React Native SDK pre-built components

How to use Knock's UI components in your React Native application.
Migration note. The NotificationFeedContainer component is deprecated and has been replaced with NotificationFeed. The container component will be removed in a future release.



NotificationFeed is a React component that renders a list of notifications using data from Knock. It provides a customizable and interactive user interface for displaying notifications within your React Native application.


initialFilterStatusFilterStatusThe initial filter applied to the notification feed. Defaults to 'All'.
notificationRowStyleNotificationFeedCellStyleCustomizes the style of the notification rows in the feed.
headerConfigNotificationFeedHeaderConfigConfigures the header of the notification feed.
emptyFeedStyleEmptyNotificationFeedStyleCustomizes the appearance of the empty state when there are no notifications.
onCellActionButtonTap(params: { button: ActionButton, item: FeedItem }) => voidCallback triggered when an action button in a notification row is tapped.
onRowTap(item: FeedItem) => voidCallback triggered when a notification row is tapped.




NotificationIconButton is a React component that renders a button with a badge showing the count of unread or unseen notifications. This can be used to open the NotificationFeed when tapped.


onClick() => voidCallback triggered when the button is pressed.
badgeCountTypeBadgeCountTypeSpecifies whether to display the count of 'unread', 'unseen', or 'all' notifications.
styleOverrideViewStyleCustomizes the overall style of the button.
